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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2012 SP1 x86-x64 RUS/ENG (AIO)

Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2012 SP1 x86-x64 RUS/ENG (AIO) | 3.87 GB
Single Link - Single Extraction - InterChangable - No Password

AutoCADArchitecture - this is AutoCAD for architects. Specialized features forarchitectural design and drafting as well as a familiar workingenvironment increases the effectiveness of projects and releasedocumentation. Increased productivity of users in AutoCAD Architectureas compared to traditional CAD has been observed from the first minuteand new product features designers learn at your own pace.

In AutoCADArchitecture which is the AutoCAD for architects architectural designtools combined with the familiar environment of AutoCAD. This increasesefficiency and improves coordination with subcontractors.

Features AutoCAD Architecture
Sections and elevations
Two-dimensionalsections and elevations are generated directly from the plans. Whenmaking changes to AutoCAD Architecture project updates sections andelevations. This saves the specified layers colors line types andother properties.
Walls doors and windows
You can do thedrawings and create documents using walls doors and windows thatmimic real architectural objects. Walls and their properties are editedat the component level which allows to improve the work of the wallswith the most common characteristics - slanted angled and intersectingfire-resistant walls. The program allows you to automatically insert andplace doors and windows controlling their position with extremeprecision. When you move the wall automatically updates all otheradjacencies to her walls. It uses familiar commands AutoCAD forexample Pairing and bevel.
Creating drawings and explanations of nodes
Fora more rapid formation of documentation and explanation of applicationprogram offers an extensive library of detail components and powerfultools to work with key notes. With their help accelerate the creation ofdesign elements such as labels legends and links. The legend is placedin a drawing just a few clicks.
User-friendly interface
New UserInterface AutoCAD Architecture - a product that is AutoCAD forarchitects - is characterized by an optimal organization the greaterarea of the graphics area as well as faster access to tools andcommands. Users get easy access to familiar tools that can moreefficiently find frequently used commands as well as easier to learnnew functions. The improved interface is used in many productsAutodesk allowing you to spend minimum time in training during thetransition to new applications.
User-friendly interface
New UserInterface AutoCAD Architecture AutoCAD version for architects ischaracterized by optimum organization the greater area of thegraphics area as well as faster access to tools and commands. Users geteasy access to familiar tools that can more efficiently find frequentlyused commands as well as easier to learn new functions. The improvedinterface is used in many products Autodesk allowing you to spendminimum time in training during the transition to new applications.
The dimensions of the walls
InAutoCAD Architecture for walls and all their components are usedAEC-size. When applied to a variety of options are taken into accountthe size of the binding: the axial lines of the walls their outersurfaces etc. When changes in the project does not require manualupdating associative dimensions as They are converted automatically.
Drafting of specifications
Stylesspecifications easily adjust to the standards of enterprises. You canalso create new styles of specifications which will provide thenecessary data. These specifications are dynamically linked with theobjects of the drawings and is updated when any element of design.
Stamps premises and documentation
Marksand spaces in their area are applied automatically. If you change theelements bordering the relevant premises are automatically updated. Thisfeature saves time and ensures accuracy of documentation. Rooms can becreated by the displacement of adjacent elements on the basis ofstandard or custom rules. Calculation of the area carried out inaccordance with generally accepted standards such as BOMA DIN and SIS.
Reconstruction of buildings
ToolsAutoCAD Architecture designed to create redevelopment projects allowdesigners to work with high performance. Stored and new elements to bedemolished buildings stand on the types of graphical manner all kindsof complete working drawings are coordinated with each other.
Differences from Release Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2 012 x32 x64 ISZ (English / Russian)
Thecurrent release is different from the previously lined two thousand andtwelve Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture x32 x64 ISZ (English / Russian) asfollows:
1. The distribution is made the integration of SP1.
2. From the installer cleaned up too much: the language packs. NET except Russian (English sewn).
3. Installer has been optimized taking into account that the cleaning has lost ~ 1.8 GB without losing functionality.
4.This is the usual ISO-image and not the ISZ. That is it can be easilydeployed to a DVD-disc with Nero mount with Daemon Tools or triteextract using WinRAR.
5. Everything you need for treatment including detailed instructions is located within the image in the folder Crack.




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